HOUSTON - The City of Houston’s drinking water remains SAFE.
Houston Water’s West District and Turkey Creek Wastewater Treatment plants which provide sanitary sewer service to zip codes: 77024, 77041, 77043, 77055, 77077, 77079, 77080, and 77094 (impacted areas are highlighted on the map above) have been flooded. Residents in these areas are asked to please help Houston Water conserve resources by NOT flushing or using extra water for showers, baths, laundry, dishes or toilets until further notice. Houston Water is actively working to repair services. Updated information will be posted to www.houstonemergency.org, Facebook.com/HoustonPWE and on Twitter @HoustonPWE For questions and concerns call 3-1-1. |

Treatment Plants provide sanitary sewer services to the areas highlighted.