- A Tropical Storm Warning for coastal portions of Houston, which means tropical storm-force winds are expected somewhere within this area within the next 36 hours.
- A Coastal Flood Warning for coastal portions of Houston. Expect much higher than typical tides after the low tide cycle early Thursday evening. Delta will contribute to increased tides through at least Friday morning and -depending on its track and strength -could persist into the weekend.
Protective Actions
Monitor Official Sources for Current Information: Rumors and misinformation can be common before and during major storms. It is important to seek out official information from trusted sources.
Official sources include: the City of Houston Emergency Information Center (houstontx.gov/emergency), National Weather Service Houston/Galveston Forecast Office (weather.gov/hgx), National Hurricane Center (hurricanes.gov), Harris County Flood Warning System (harriscountyfws.org), Houston TranStar (houstontranstar.org), and local meteorologists.
Acciones de Protección
Acciones de preparación que no requieren mucho tiempo, esfuerzo, y dinero son buenas acciones para clumpir por una abundancia de precaución si esta en la area del aviso de tormenta tropical.
Monitorea fuentes oficiales de información: Rumores y información falsa pueden ser común antes y durante tormentas. Es importante buscar información de fuentes confiadas.
Fuentes confiadas incluyen: Centro de Información de Emergencias de la Ciudad de Houston (www.houstonemergency.org), Harris County Flood Warning System (harriscountyfws.org), Houston TranStar (houstontranstar.org), y la Oficina del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de Houston/Galveston (weather.gov/hgx)