September 19, 2019: Due to the current Flash Flood Emergency in effect for the City of Houston, and to ensure…
Floodwater and standing waters can be dangerous and make people vulnerable to infectious diseases, chemical hazards and injuries. The Houston…
HOUSTON – El huracán Barry sirvió como un recordatorio para los residentes: ¡permanezcan preparados todo el tiempo durante esta temporada…
HOUSTON – Hurricane Barry served as a reminder to residents: remain prepared at all times this Hurricane Season! “Our community needs…
El Puerto de Houston y el Centro de Toxicología y Salud Ambiental (CTEH, por su sigla en inglés) están actualmente…
The Port of Houston and Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health (CTEH) are currently monitoring the air quality in and…
The City of Houston’s Office of Emergency Management continues to monitor the ITC Deer Park incident as it moves into…
During periods of extreme cold and/or winter weather, remember to protect the four P’s: People, Pets, Pipes, and Plants: People…
The Houston area is experiencing a heat wave, with forecast temperatures entering the triple digits as early as Friday and…
The City of Houston has partnered with state and federal agencies, as well as local non-profits, to help Houstonians affected…